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Our Committees

Below is a list of the Smith Mountain Lake Women's Club's Committees along with descriptions and other information. Please contact if you are interested in joining our club and/or any of our committees.


Alone we can do so little;

Together we can do so much!

Helen Keller



  • Audits the Treasurer’s accounts at the close of the club year

  • Submits a report to the membership for adoption at the next regular membership meeting


  • Consists of the Director/Parliamentarian and three club members

  • Shall review the bylaws every two years in January for possible revisions

  • Shall provide a report to the membership by the following April general meeting

  • Recommended bylaw revisions shall be voted on at the following May general meeting

Laws and regulations
Office Work


  • Includes the Treasurer and three additional members of the club

  • Prepares a club budget to be effective June 1

  • Submits the budget to the Executive Board for review

  • Submits the budget to the general membership for adoption at the May general meeting


  • Consists of three club members, with a minimum of one Executive Board member and a minimum of one member from the general membership

  • Prepares a list of nominees for each elected office for the upcoming term

  • Submits the slate of candidates to the general membership at the March meeting

Officers for 2023 - 2025.jpg

Public Relations

  • Collects pictures from club meetings and special events

  • Drafts press releases for media announcements

  • Maintains relationships with local publications to publicize club events


  • Compiles member volunteer hours contributed to the club’s approved organizations or projects

  • Prepares an annual report of total hours donated by members at the May meeting

Statistic designs

Club Aprons

  • Secures a vendor to make SMLWC Aprons to be used for GAMEFEST, Ronald McDonald House, etc.

  • Takes orders from members and orders aprons


  • Conducts meetings of individuals responsible for all aspects of the Gamefest planning, funding, and implementation

  • Secures receipts for all expenditures made for Gamefest and provides them to the Treasurer for payment

  • Provides reports to the general membership at monthly meetings

  • Works with the general membership to secure an event location

  • Negotiates with the event location to establish dates for the event and its preparation, requirements for the facility including cleanup, and communicates the requirements to the general membership

  • Ensures that committees are created to cover sponsorships, prizes, decorations, auction, door prizes, food and drinks, ticket sales, set-up, and cleaning

Information Technology

Information Technology

(may be multiple individuals)

  • Maintains the SMLWC website

  • Monitors the SMLWC Facebook page

  • Maintains, updates, and publishes the SMLWC Photo Directory

  • Prints various GAMEFEST materials

  • Maintains, updates, and publishes the SMLWC Brochure

  • Maintains and monitors the SMLWC email address

  • Maintains and monitors the SMLWC Google Group

  • Liaison between SMLWC and Knitting4Peace

  • Provide patterns for members for knitted and crocheted items requested by Knitting4Peace

  • Collects knitted and crocheted items and donates them to a local and/or global organizations in need


Where to Find Patterns:

Knitted Peace Pals.jpg
Colorful Knitting

Lap Robes

  • Liaison between SMLWC and individuals and organizations in need of Lap Robes

  • Provided members with sources on where to find patterns

  • Collects Lap Robes made by members and donates them to individuals and organizations in need


What size is a lap robe?

Nursing Home Visits

  • Liaison between SMLWC and SML area nursing homes

  • Organizes games and other fun activities for nursing home patients

Smile Package_edited.jpg
  • Liaison between SMLWC and Operations Smile

  • Provides members with patterns for items requested by Operation Smile

  • Provides members with material

  • Collects items from members for Smile Bags and donates them to Operation Smile

  • Collects items made by member and donates them to Operation Smile

​Where to Find Patterns:

  • American Red Cross General Needs

    • Liaison between SMLWC and the American Red Cross

  • Blood Drive

    • Liasson between SMLWC and American Red Cross for Blood Drives

    • Organizes members to volunteer to assist with two blood drives per month

    • Reports at meetings on the number of units of blood that is collected at Blood Drives

  • Liaison between SMLWC and Ronald McDonald House

  • Organizes cooking dinners at the Ronald McDonald House through Meals from the Heart.

  • Collects can tab tops from members to donate to the Ronald McDonald House

  • Collects wish list items from members for the Wishlist Drive (see printable wish list)


  • Liaison between SMLWC and SML area high schools receiving SMLWC Scholarships

  • Connects with the recipients to get information for a SMLWC Scholarship press release

  • Sends congratulatory letters to the scholarship recipients

  • Attends schools’ award ceremonies to present the scholarships and scholarship certificates

Staunton River Scholarship Recipient 2023.jpg
scapebook 2.jpg


  • Maintains a scrapbook for SMLWC activities


  • Sends cards to members for birthdays, sympathy, get well, etc.

Writing Letters
Colorful Yarn Collection

Yarn Rolling

  • Liaison between SMLWC and the Holy Yarn Rollers (SML Adele’s Legacy)

  • Keeps members informed of the Holy Yarn Rollers Schedule

  • Attends Holy Yarn Roller meetings

  • Encourages members to volunteer to roll yarn

  • Encourages members to participate in SML Adele’s Legacy elementary school sweater, hat, and scarf project

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